Freelancing is often romanticized as a dream job—flexible hours, being your own boss, and working from the comfort of your home. However, the reality is far from the idyllic picture painted by social media. For many freelancers, the job comes with a host of challenges that can turn their dream into a nightmare. Here are some of the most common problems faced by freelancers, ranked from 1 to 10 based on the frequency and frustration expressed by the freelance community.

But hey, let’s add some humor and practical advice to get through these struggles!

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1. They Paid in Exposure

  • Common Phrase: “They paid in exposure”
  • Details: Clients often promise exposure in lieu of actual payment, claiming it will lead to more opportunities. Unfortunately, exposure doesn’t pay bills.
  • Pro Tip: Politely explain that while exposure is great, your landlord prefers cash. Offer a discount for future projects if they agree to pay upfront.

2. Unrealistic Deadlines

  • Common Phrase: “Client expects it tomorrow”
  • Details: Clients frequently set unrealistic deadlines, expecting high-quality work in an impossibly short time.
  • Pro Tip: Learn the art of negotiation. Set clear timelines and include buffer periods. If all else fails, practice saying, “I’m good, but even I can’t bend time.”

3. Devaluation of Skills

  • Common Phrase: “I have a camera too”
  • Details: Non-professionals often undermine the expertise of freelancers by claiming they can do the same job with basic tools, disregarding the skill and experience required.
  • Pro Tip: Next time someone says this, offer them your camera and sit back with some popcorn. When they realize it’s not that easy, you might gain a new client (or at least a funny story).

4. Lack of Payment

  • Common Phrase: “Bye” (after discussing pricing)
  • Details: Some clients disappear as soon as the topic of payment is broached, leaving freelancers without compensation for their time and effort.
  • Pro Tip: Always get a deposit before starting work. If they ghost you after that, at least you’re not out of pocket.

5. Client Mismanagement

  • Common Phrase: “I wasn’t aware of that!”
  • Details: Clients often fail to update their software or follow technical instructions, blaming freelancers for issues that are outside their control.
  • Pro Tip: Document everything. Screenshots, emails, and logs are your friends. This way, you have proof when clients claim ignorance.

6. Underappreciation

  • Common Phrase: “It’s just design”
  • Details: The creative process is frequently undervalued, with clients dismissing the effort and creativity involved in producing quality work.
  • Pro Tip: Educate your clients. Share your process and the steps involved. Sometimes, a little transparency can turn them into your biggest cheerleaders.

7. Technical Issues

  • Common Phrase: “Works on my machine”
  • Details: Technical problems, particularly compatibility issues, can arise when clients use outdated or incompatible software, leading to additional unpaid work for freelancers.
  • Pro Tip: Include a compatibility clause in your contract. Specify the software and versions supported to avoid unnecessary troubleshooting.

8. Non-Professional ‘Photographers’

  • Common Phrase: “His wife is a photographer”
  • Details: The rise of amateur photographers undercutting professional work by using simple smartphone cameras leads to lower industry standards and income.
  • Pro Tip: Highlight your unique skills and experiences. Create a portfolio that showcases your standout work. Amateurs might have cameras, but they don’t have your eye.

9. Scope Creep

  • Common Phrase: “Can you just add this?”
  • Details: Clients often try to expand the project scope without increasing the budget, expecting freelancers to perform additional work for free.
  • Pro Tip: Be firm but fair. Clarify what’s included in the original scope and charge for any extras. Use phrases like, “I’d love to add that, here’s the additional cost.”

10. Non-Standard Payments

  • Common Phrase: “Paid in ramen”
  • Details: Some clients offer non-monetary compensation like food or services, which doesn’t help freelancers meet their financial obligations.
  • Pro Tip: While ramen is delicious, it doesn’t pay the bills. Politely insist on monetary payment. If they insist on food, suggest a barter system for a limited time.

Additional Common Issues:

11. Low Pay for High Qualifications

  • Common Phrase: “Requirement: PhD. Salary: £23,000”
  • Details: Highly qualified professionals often face low pay, undermining their expertise and investment in education.
  • Pro Tip: Highlight your qualifications and the value you bring. If they still lowball you, it might be time to find clients who appreciate your worth.

12. Mandatory ‘Voluntary’ Overtime

  • Common Phrase: “Mandatory ‘voluntary’ overtime shifts”
  • Details: Freelancers are often pressured into working extra hours without additional pay, blurring the lines between voluntary and mandatory work.
  • Pro Tip: Set clear boundaries. Your time is valuable, and overtime should be compensated. Practice saying, “I’m sorry, but my time outside work hours is already booked.”

13. Resume Builders

  • Common Phrase: “It’s a resume-builder”
  • Details: Clients justify low or no payment by claiming the work will be beneficial for the freelancer’s portfolio, which doesn’t pay immediate bills.
  • Pro Tip: Remind them that while experience is valuable, so is your time and effort. Balance resume builders with paying gigs.

14. Non-Firing Policies

  • Common Phrase: “No one gets fired”
  • Details: In some industries, poor performers are retained, which can create a challenging work environment for diligent freelancers.
  • Pro Tip: Focus on your work and let your results speak for themselves. If the environment becomes toxic, consider other clients or industries.

15. Change in Specifications

  • Common Phrase: “They changed the spec”
  • Details: Clients often change project specifications midway, leading to additional work and frustration without extra compensation.
  • Pro Tip: Include a change request process in your contract. Any changes should be documented and agreed upon before proceeding.

16. Professional Dismissals

  • Common Phrase: “But you’re a chef”
  • Details: The skills of professionals are often dismissed or undervalued, leading to frustration and underpayment.
  • Pro Tip: Educate your clients about your role and the value you bring. Showcase your expertise and the benefits of your skills.

17. Unexpected Additional Work

  • Common Phrase: “Just a few changes…”
  • Details: Minor changes requested by clients can turn into major revisions, consuming more time and resources than initially agreed upon.
  • Pro Tip: Be clear about what constitutes minor changes versus major revisions. Charge accordingly for significant alterations.

18. Lack of Attendance

  • Common Phrase: “No one showed up.”
  • Details: Events or sessions planned by freelancers may face low or no attendance, affecting their reputation and financial outcome.
  • Pro Tip: Promote your events well in advance and confirm attendance. Have a backup plan or alternative ways to engage your audience.

Freelancing can be rewarding, but it’s essential to recognize and prepare for these challenges. Setting clear boundaries, having solid contracts, and knowing your worth are crucial steps to navigating the freelancing world successfully. And remember, a little humor goes a long way in dealing with the daily grind!

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By Peiter

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