Are you struggling to land clients on LinkedIn despite its reputation as a prime platform for networking and business growth? If you’ve noticed that most decision-makers seem inactive on LinkedIn, you’re not alone. Many freelancers share your frustration. This guide provides actionable insights and strategies to help you effectively use LinkedIn to attract clients.

Why LinkedIn is Worth Your Time

LinkedIn is more than just a professional networking site; it’s a powerful tool for building your brand, showcasing your expertise, and connecting with potential clients. Despite perceptions that decision-makers are not active on the platform, LinkedIn remains a vital resource. Here’s why:

  • Search Optimization: Decision-makers often use LinkedIn’s search feature to find service providers.
  • Professional Presence: A well-optimized LinkedIn profile can serve as a digital portfolio.
  • Networking: Connect directly with recruiters and industry professionals who can refer or hire you.

Actionable Strategies to Get Clients on LinkedIn

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital business card. Make sure it stands out:

  • Professional Photo: Use a high-quality, professional headshot.
  • Compelling Headline: Clearly state what you do and who you help. For example, “Freelance Video Editor | Helping Brands Create Compelling Visual Stories.”
  • Detailed Summary: Write a summary that highlights your skills, experience, and the value you bring to clients.
  • Portfolio and Samples: Upload samples of your work or link to your portfolio.
  • Skills and Endorsements: List relevant skills and request endorsements from colleagues and clients.

Insights from “LinkedIn Unlocked” by Melonie Dodaro:
Melonie Dodaro emphasizes the importance of creating a profile that speaks directly to your target audience. She recommends using a professional photo, crafting a headline that showcases your unique selling proposition, and writing a summary that highlights your expertise and how you can solve your clients’ problems. Dodaro also stresses the importance of including a call to action in your summary to encourage potential clients to contact you.

2. Build a Strong Network

Connect with industry professionals, recruiters, and potential clients:

  • Targeted Connections: Send personalized connection requests to people in your industry.
  • Engage with Content: Like, comment, and share posts from your network to stay visible.
  • Follow Industry Leaders: Stay updated on industry trends and engage with content from influencers in your field.

Insights from “Crushing It!” by Gary Vaynerchuk:
Gary Vaynerchuk highlights the power of building a personal brand and the importance of consistently engaging with your network. Vaynerchuk suggests using LinkedIn to share your knowledge and insights, which helps establish you as an authority in your field. He also advises freelancers to be authentic and provide value through their interactions on LinkedIn.

3. Create and Share Valuable Content

Consistently share content that showcases your expertise:

  • Write Articles: Share insights, tips, and case studies relevant to your field.
  • Post Updates: Regularly post updates about your work, projects, and industry news.
  • Use Multimedia: Share videos, infographics, and presentations to engage your audience.

Tools for Creating and Scheduling Content:

  • Canva: A user-friendly graphic design tool perfect for creating infographics and visuals. Canva
  • Buffer: A social media scheduling tool that helps you plan and publish posts. Buffer
  • Grammarly: A writing assistant that helps ensure your articles are clear and error-free. Grammarly

4. Leverage LinkedIn Groups

Join and participate in LinkedIn groups relevant to your industry:

  • Join Active Groups: Find groups with high engagement levels.
  • Contribute Value: Share valuable insights, answer questions, and engage in discussions.
  • Promote Your Services: Carefully promote your services where appropriate, focusing on adding value rather than self-promotion.

5. Utilize LinkedIn’s Advanced Search

Use LinkedIn’s advanced search to find potential clients:

  • Set Filters: Use filters like industry, location, and job title to narrow down your search.
  • Save Searches: Save your search criteria and receive alerts for new matches.
  • Send Connection Requests: Send personalized connection requests to your search results.

6. Engage with Decision-Makers

While it may seem that decision-makers are not active, they often monitor LinkedIn passively:

  • Direct Messaging: Use LinkedIn InMail to reach out directly to decision-makers with a personalized message.
  • Value-Driven Outreach: Offer valuable insights or a free consultation in your initial message.
  • Follow-Up: Follow up politely if you don’t receive a response initially.

7. Collaborate with Recruiters and Agencies

Recruiters and agencies are active on LinkedIn and can be a valuable resource:

  • Connect with Recruiters: Build relationships with recruiters who specialize in your industry.
  • Agency Partnerships: Partner with agencies that can refer clients to you.
  • Stay Top of Mind: Regularly update your connections on your availability and recent projects.

30-Day Simple Plan to Get Leads on LinkedIn

To maximize your efforts on LinkedIn, follow this simplified 30-day plan designed to build your presence, network, and attract leads. The key is consistency and engagement.

Day 1-7: Profile Optimization and Network Building

  • Day 1: Update your LinkedIn profile picture and headline. For example, “Freelance Graphic Designer | Transforming Ideas into Visual Stories.”
  • Day 2: Write a compelling summary and add portfolio samples.
  • Day 3: Connect with 10 industry professionals, clients, or recruiters. Send personalized connection requests.
  • Day 4: Follow 5 industry leaders and engage with their posts by liking or commenting.
  • Day 5: Join 3 relevant LinkedIn groups and introduce yourself.
  • Day 6: Share an insightful post or article related to your industry.
  • Day 7: Request endorsements for your key skills from colleagues or clients.

Day 8-14: Content Creation and Engagement

  • Day 8: Write and publish a LinkedIn article on a topic relevant to your industry. For example, “5 Graphic Design Trends to Watch in 2024.”
  • Day 9: Share a post about a recent project or achievement with a relevant image or video.
  • Day 10: Engage with content from your network by liking and commenting on posts.
  • Day 11: Share an infographic related to your field. For example, an infographic on “The Benefits of Hiring a Freelance Designer.”
  • Day 12: Share a useful industry article and add your insights in the post.
  • Day 13: Record and post a short video sharing tips or advice.
  • Day 14: Write and publish another LinkedIn article.

Day 15-21: Network Expansion and Direct Outreach

  • Day 15: Use LinkedIn’s advanced search to find potential clients and send 10 personalized connection requests.
  • Day 16: Follow up with new connections by sending a message introducing yourself and your services.
  • Day 17: Engage with content from your network to stay visible.
  • Day 18: Share a post with a call to action, such as asking for feedback or opinions on a topic.
  • Day 19: Reach out to 5 recruiters or agencies to build relationships.
  • Day 20: Join another relevant LinkedIn group and participate in discussions.
  • Day 21: Share a case study or client success story with a relevant image or document.

Day 22-30: Consistent Activity and Outreach

  • Day 22: Send InMail messages to 5 decision-makers offering a free consultation or valuable insights.
  • Day 23: Share a testimonial from a satisfied client.
  • Day 24: Post a poll to engage your audience and gather insights.
  • Day 25: Create a slideshow or presentation about a key topic in your industry and share it.
  • Day 26: Follow up with connections who haven’t responded to your messages.
  • Day 27: Share a behind-the-scenes look at your work process.
  • Day 28: Write and publish a final LinkedIn article for the month.
  • Day 29: Review and analyze the performance of your posts and engagement. Use LinkedIn analytics to see what type of content resonates most with your audience.
  • Day 30: Plan your content and networking strategy for the next month based on your findings. Continue to be consistent and engage regularly.

Emphasizing Consistency and Persistence

Consistency is crucial for success on LinkedIn. Even if you don’t get immediate leads, keep doing the work. If you reach out to 1,000 people, at least 100 will reply, and at least 1 will become a customer. The key is to maintain a steady presence and continue engaging with your network.

Insights from “The Freelance Manifesto” by Joey Korenman:
Joey Korenman provides actionable advice for freelancers, emphasizing the importance of delivering high-quality work consistently. He suggests creating a strong portfolio that showcases your best projects and continuously updating it to reflect your latest work. Korenman also highlights the value of building relationships with clients and maintaining open communication to ensure repeat business and referrals.

Recommended Tools for Freelancers

To streamline

your LinkedIn strategy and improve your efficiency, consider using the following tools:

  • Canva: A versatile design tool for creating stunning visuals and infographics. Canva
  • Buffer: A scheduling tool that helps you plan and publish LinkedIn posts. Buffer
  • Grammarly: An AI-powered writing assistant that ensures your articles are clear and error-free. Grammarly
  • Hootsuite: Another excellent social media management tool to schedule and analyze your LinkedIn activity. Hootsuite
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: A premium tool for finding and engaging with the right prospects. Sales Navigator

Suggested Reading

Enhance your LinkedIn and overall freelancing strategy with these insightful books:

  • “LinkedIn Unlocked: Unlock the Mystery of LinkedIn To Drive More Sales Through Social Selling” by Melonie Dodaro: A comprehensive guide to mastering LinkedIn for business growth.
  • “Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence—and How You Can, Too” by Gary Vaynerchuk: Offers valuable insights into building a personal brand across various platforms, including LinkedIn.
  • “The Freelance Manifesto: A Field Guide for the Modern Motion Designer” by Joey Korenman: Although focused on motion design, the strategies in this book are applicable to all freelancers looking to thrive in their industry.


Using LinkedIn effectively to get clients requires a strategic approach. By optimizing your profile, building a strong network, sharing valuable content, and engaging with decision-makers, you can turn LinkedIn into a powerful tool for attracting clients. Remember, consistency and value are key. Implement these strategies and watch your freelance business grow.

Final Thought

How will you leverage LinkedIn to attract your next client, and what steps will you take today to optimize your profile and expand your network?

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